Tag Archives: tolowa

Press Release: Tolowa Dee-ni’ Tribal Council Closes Physical Offices

The following is a press release from the Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation.

As a precautionary measure, the Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation Tribal Council agreed to close the physical offices of the Tribal Government operations until Monday, December 21, 2020. Recently we have had multiple governmental employees test positive for the COVID19 Virus.

Contact tracing has been performed, and those with second or third-party exposure to known positive cases have been identified. They are currently isolating and will be required to test negative before returning to work.All staff will be continuing to work from home, and there will be no reduction in pay. Staff will be contacted by their supervisors to facilitate this new 100% remote-work status.

Critical services for Tribal Members will continue through electronic means, including email, telephone, and other telecommunication services. This closure is an effort to curb the possible spread of exposure throughout the organization.

We will also be taking the necessary steps to sanitize and clean our facilities and equipment. Staff will also be required to test negative for the COVID19 virus prior to returning to on-site operations.

Please stay safe during these trying times.

Native American Inclusion in Del Norte County Schools


We visited elementary and middle school students at the Northern California Indian Development Council’s after-school program to learn how inclusive Del Norte County Schools are for our Native American students as well as how our schools might be hurting them and what they would like to see changed. Students shared stories of personal experiences they have had with classmates and teachers as well as offered solutions to how we can help build a better learning environment.