Departure From Norms: The 2020 Election for Del Norte and Humboldt Counties

Our present year has been one of departure from norms, and, regardless of what we might prefer, that has spread into voting in this year’s elections, now on the extremely near horizon, as well. These changes affect both Humboldt and Del Norte County in many ways, and will change the way voters engage with the polling process for the foreseeable future. 

All registered California voters should have received a mail-ballot after October 5th. If you have not received your ballot, it is recommended you contact your County Clerk’s Office. You can contact the County of Del Norte Elections Office at (707)464-7216. You can also contact the County of Humboldt Elections Office by calling (707)445-7481 to request a voting ballot be mailed to your address, or ask for additional information.

The Election Offices of Del Norte County and Humboldt County have partially set aside in-person polling stations as a measure against the COVID-19 Pandemic. For the sake of voter health and cleanliness, ballots will instead be dispatched and collected by mail.

Mailed ballots will be counted up until November 20th so long as it is postmarked by November 3rd; this is a result of recent emergency legislation passed in order to ensure that, in this changed environment, with oft-delayed mailing times, every Californian vote is counted with some allowance for adjustment to what may be an unfamiliar voting method to some. All mail ballots sent by November 3rd and received prior to the 20th will be vetted by county staff in order to ensure authenticity.

If you would like to vote in person, you will be asked to surrender your vote-by-mail-ballot, or, in absence of possession of a mail ballot, by voting a provisional ballot. Those who will be dropping their ballots off or voting in person due to either preference or lack of alternative options should remember to take care to remain masked, hygienic, and aware of their proximity to others as both common courtesy to fellow voters and themselves. The official drop-off locations for ballots in Del Norte County are the Flynn Center, Senior Center, and City Hall.

If you would like to vote in person, in-person voting assistance stations will re-opened in 18 locations across Del Norte County, but only for November 3rd, “Election Day” itself, as well as 9 locations across Humboldt County, for both Election day, as well as the three days proceeding it.

And remember, once again, that as with most things during quarantine, voting is more easily, safely, and responsibly done from home (by mail), if at all possible.