Category Archives: Community News

Nourish Yourself with Coastal Connections’ New Cooking Class

The audio version of this PSA, as made for radio—by Persephone Rose.

Nourish yourself, mind and body, with Coastal Connections’ new cooking class for youth aged 14-21! Over the course of 6 sessions, develop your cooking prowess and learn to mix it up in your diet! It’s free, hands-on, and sure to be a whole lot of fun. Explore a growing healthier relationship with food preparation, cooking, and of course the fun part: eating! Registration includes a student workbook, nutrition resources, and even raffle prizes for each class to assist in building your very own healthy living toolbox.

This class comes both virtually and in-person. The virtual series will be happening every Monday from January 31st to March 14th, 3pm and 4:30pm on Zoom. The in-person series will be happening every Thursday from January 20th to February 24th, 4pm to 5:30pm at the site itself.

For more information you can call (707)464-3060, or stop down at Coastal Connections down on 475 K Street in Downtown Crescent City, California. Again, that’s (707)464-3060. Come cook with us!

Yurok Language Program launches amazing new project

Yurok language lessons will soon be more accessible than ever before—the following is a PSA from the Yurok Tribe.

The Administration for Native Americans recently funded the next evolution of the Yurok Language Program’s comprehensive effort to fully restore the everyday use of the Tribe’s first form of communication. Over the next three years, the Program will use the ANA award to make learning the Yurok language more accessible than ever before. The primary goal of the project is to reintegrate the language within households, workplaces and community events. To accomplish this objective, the Program is creating a series of digital platforms containing interactive educational tools, implementing culturally relevant learning exercises and developing a virtual archive featuring a diversity of resources. The Program is also establishing a community-wide team of language liaisons, comprised of tribal staff and local residents, who will help promote and participate in learning opportunities.

“When we designed this project, we focused on how we could best serve the community, while supporting the development of new and existing language speakers. We wanted to ensure that language is spoken in the home, that language is spoken in the workplace, and that we hear and speak the language at our ceremonies and gatherings,” said Yurok Language Program Manager Victoria Carlson. “We also thought about the elders who dedicated their lives and energy into preserving the language.

The Yurok language team feels we are on a path they would want us to pursue.

“The Yurok Language Program has developed an outstanding teacher training program. The language is now taught in head starts and public schools. We have built an amazing foundation to take the next step, which is to move the language out of the classroom and into the community. We want to empower people to use the language in their day-to-day lives,” said Distance Learning Coordinator Brittany Vigil.

“We’re really focusing our efforts on bringing the language back to where it belongs, which is everywhere,” added Yurok Language Cultural Coordinator James Gensaw. “One of the things they did when they tried to exterminate us was remove language from the home. One of the primary goals of this project is bring the use of the language back into the homes of all of our members.”

The Planting Seeds: Reclaiming Yurok Language Domains and Building New Circles project reflects the input of more than 130 Yurok citizens, who provided feedback on the Program’s future goals. The three domains, which include Reintroduction to Ceremony, Yurok Tribal Employees, and Distance Learning and Community Engagement, were each selected for a specific purpose.

“The domains touch on the aspects of our daily lives as Yurok people. We want to normalize the use of the language in everyday situations,” said Distance Learning Coordinator Brittany Vigil, who is leading the development of the digital assets.

The first online platform is a new website, Currently under construction, the site will contain language curricula, digital animations with Yurok songs and much more. The Language Program is also building a series of applications offering on-demand learning materials, including videos and audio recordings of tribal elders telling traditional stories.

“I want people to see the Yurok language every day of their lives. They’re going to see it in their email, or at a community class or on social media. We want to normalize the everyday use of the language,” said Distance Learning Coordinator Vigil.

“Once the distance learning courses, digital platforms and the online archive are in place, they will be available to the community. For as long as there is a Yurok Tribe, all of these learning tools will be organized in one place for future learners,” added Barbara McQuillen, the Yurok Language Collections and Teacher Training Coordinator.

The Program has already organized the first of many immersive activities, including acorn-gathering and eel hook-making events where participants learned terminology related to the activity. Plans are in the works to put on similar events in the near term. The language will also be incorporated into the Tribe’s most high-profile gatherings, such as the Salmon Festival and Spring Flings.

“There are numerous studies that show hands-on learning stimulates language acquisition. Immersion is actually the best way to learn. It triggers a ton of language growth,” said Yurok Language Cultural Coordinator James Gensaw. “The online and in-person language activities cater to every learning style.” There are benefits that go well beyond language acquisition and retention too. For example, second language learners regularly perform better in reading, math and language arts. Indigenous communities who have higher levels of language retention are shown to have lower rates of cigarette smoking, substance abuse, suicide, domestic violence, and diabetes. Native Children who learn their language have higher levels of self-esteem, higher levels of confidence in their own abilities, and decreased levels of anxiety.

“New research indicates that those who learn their native language are less likely to attempt suicide too,” said Language Collections and Teacher Training Coordinator Barbara McQuillen. The Program is currently looking for 15 language liaisons from the tribal government and the community. In addition to supporting the Program, the liaisons will receive assistance with achieving an intermediate-low level of proficiency in speaking the language. The Program encourages all interested community members to sign up to become a liaison. If you’re interested, please email Yurok Language Distance Learning Coordinator Brittany Vigil-Burbank at

The Planting Seeds Project represents a natural progression of the successful Yurok elder-led campaign implemented between the 1950s and early 2000s to preserve the language. At every juncture, the Yurok Language Program team acknowledges their predecessors’ dedication to saving the language. Taking the mantle, the Program has made the language available in the Tribe’s Head Starts in addition to public high schools on the Yurok and Hoopa Reservations and in Del Norte and Humboldt Counties. The language will continue to be offered in these educational institutions for the foreseeable future. During the past five years, the Program has trained a team of talented teacher candidates and continues to develop new instructors. In fact, some the teachers from the initial class are now training new language educators. The Program also provides community language classes. Prior to the pandemic, the courses were taught in-person, but now they are available via Zoom.

“We believe this project is a reflection of what our fluent elder speakers would have wanted us to carry on to ensure the survival of our language. I feel confident our language team will be able to accomplish the goals of this project,” concluded Yurok Language Program Manager Carlson.

Source: (Joana Jansen, Northwest Indian Language Institute, University of Oregon; Lindsay Marean, Owens Valley Career Development Center; and Janne Underriner, Northwest Indian Language Institute, University of Oregon)

To stay informed about learning opportunities, visit the Yurok Language Program’s Facebook page, which can be found here:

Del Norte County Releases COVID-19 Guidelines, Quarantine Remains 10 Days.

This is the audio for the story that aired on KFUG Community News on 1/6/22

On Wednesday, Del Norte County Public Health released guidelines about Quarantining for Covid-19 in Del Norte. The new guidelines say that if you’ve been exposed and are unvaccinated or eligible for the booster shot and don’t have it, you must quarantine for 10 days after last contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 and take a test within 5 to 7 days of last contact. If you have your booster shot or are not eligible for the booster, you only have to quarantine if you experience symptoms of Covid-19. These guidelines are more strict than the recent guidelines released by the Centers for Disease Control 

KFUG contacted Del Norte County Public Health for clarification on the guidelines, we spoke with program manager, Melody Cannon-Cutts. According to Cannon-Cutts, Public Health is continuing the 10 day quarantine period previously directed by the CDC instead of the recently implemented 5 day quarantine period. According to Del Norte Public Health, this is because of concerns over rising Covid cases in Del Norte and Surrounding areas and because of concern that the 5 day quarantine isn’t long enough to protect Public Health in Del Norte County. According to Public Health, this is a County wide mandate. However it may conflict with the Del Norte Unified School District, which currently has a less restrictive policy. (We have to be clear that Public Health didn’t say it would conflict with DNUSD. I think this minor rewrite takes care of that).

As a DNUSD High School student, I have been told that the high school’s policy is that they would only require students to quarantine if they had been exposed and hadn’t been vaccinated or were experiencing symptoms, and while the Public Health Guidelines are similar, they are more restrictive than the school district’s. Public Health’s requirement of those exposed and eligible for the booster shot who have not received one is to quarantine for 10 days which could require most juniors and seniors to quarantine when they didn’t need to before. KFUG contacted the DNUSD office to check if they were changing their requirements to match those issued by Public Health on Wednesday afternoon, but we received no response by the time of recording.

In a related story, the Humboldt-Del Norte League (HDNL) has imposed a temporary mandate not allowing spectators at all HDNL athletic events beginning on January 7th until January 23rd. HDNL Commissioner, Jack Lakin, stated that this is because they are seeing rising Covid case numbers and this is likely the beginning of another surge. By taking this action, they want to help prevent more cases of Covid-19 in our area.

Since the original publication, we have found the Del Norte Unified School District’s updated Covid quarantine guidelines. The guidelines now require students to quarantine if they’ve been exposed to someone and had their vaccine more than 6 months ago without receiving a booster.

Redwood Voice’s Top 6 Movies of 2021

2021 was no exception to being a year packed with jaw-dropping, heart-wrenching, action-packed, and thought-provoking movies. In no particular order, here are 6 of our top movies from the past year!

A Quiet Place Part II

One anticipated film at the beginning of this year was A Quiet Place Part 2. Taking place seconds after the events of Part 1, Evelyn Abbott (played by Emily Blunt) and her 3 kids desert their compromised home to travel outside, where the smallest sound can leave them the most vulnerable. In a flashback at the start of the movie, we learned that the ultrasonic hearing monsters who brought the apocalypse are from space. And they can’t swim, which finally gave the humans an advantage.

Evelyn’s daughter, Regan (played by Millicent Simmonds), discovered there was a possibility that people were taking refuge on an island just off the New York coast. The last thing her mother wanted was to lose another family member, but Regan took the initiative to make the journey to find security.

Evelyn’s fear for her children’s safety throughout the movie contributed significantly to their family’s growth as they learned to believe in each other’s capabilities. With Regan being deaf, the son Marcus (played by Noah Jupe) being easily frightened, and Evelyn having to keep her newborn healthy and quiet, each member finds a way to overcome their obstacles in order to save each other’s lives by the end.

In a way, this movie portrays what every parent might be feeling during the pandemic.  Extra precautions, knowhow of the outside world, and possessing skills of their own showed Evelyn that the kids are alright. The sequel did a great job of expanding their world as well as the lore, and left watchers hungry for Part 3. If you prefer watching a family in a horror setting rather than a horror movie with family in it, the A Quiet Place movies have a profound story to dive into. 

Halloween Kills

2021 saw the next installment in Michael Myers’ killing spree in Halloween Kills. The story has some major holes, but the message is a little more solid. Starting off right where the 2018 movie ended, it’s revealed that Michael Myers did indeed survive the house fire. The plot is split between two parts, Michael’s journey to his childhood home and the town coming together to form a mob to hunt him down. Most of the issues with the story happen because of the message it’s trying to send.

In the middle of the movie, there’s this long scene where the town hunts down some guy who they think is Michael, despite evidence to the contrary, and eventually kill him. This scene and surrounding ones try to paint a picture that people need to think for themselves and not just follow the group; that one needs to see the world for themselves before making decisions.

 At the same time, the movie also discourages lone wolf behavior, with many fight scenes involving Michael being those where 1 person decides that they’re enough to take down the killer. The only time in the movie where people succeed is at the end: when a group of people come together, there’s confirmation that it is Michael Myers, and then take action. 

Of course, he doesn’t stay down for long since every movie nowadays has to set up for the sequel, this being no different. The last 5 minutes are spent showing that Michael isn’t dead yet and he’ll return in the next installment, Halloween Ends.


The 2021 reboot of Dune brought a sense of scale and epicness that wasn’t seen in many other movies this year. And even though most didn’t grasp an understanding of what was going on until their second viewing, the show-stopping visuals and acting balance with the fast-paced plot.

Dune is a sci-fi adventure packed with action, drama, suspense, and betrayal. In the year 10,191, The planets of the House Atreides and House Harkonnen are mortal enemies that serve the Imperial Emperor from House Corrino. When Atreides becomes responsible for overlooking the manufacturing of spice on the planet Arrakis, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen orders the sabotage of their operation and the annihilation of the royal family. It’s up to Duke Leto’s son, Paul Atreides (played by Timothee Chalamet), to form a relationship with the Arrakis people and save their worlds. 

Everything such as the flawless cinematography, booming score by Hanz Zimmer, daunting spaceships, the fear you feel from the giant sandworm approaching, and the performance each actor brings to their character all make this film a very unique blockbuster. 

Luckily, “this is only the beginning.” This first movie only covers half of author Frank Herbert’s novel. Keep an eye out for a Part 2 that’s coming soon!

No Time to Die

The final installment in Daniel Craig’s run as James Bond released in 2021, with some parts of the movie being great, and other parts not so much.

Throughout No Time to Die, it’s clear that they haven’t forgotten the previous movies, with Vesper Lynd’s grave being used as the starting point for the conflict between Bond and Madeline Swan. Felix Leiter and Ernst Blofeld also return to play important roles in Bond’s conflict with Safin, with both of them meeting their ends in the arms of James. 

The villain Safin (played by Rami Malek) can leave many desiring more out of his character, however, the story makes up for it with Bond’s relationship with Swan and her daughter. Throughout the movie, its slowly revealed that Swan’s daughter also happens to be Bond’s. And while this can bring up some questions on how it happened due to Le Chiffre’s destruction of Bond’s… parts, in Casino Royale, it can be easily overlooked in order to experience this softer side to Craig’s Bond. 

His new daughter is a huge reason Bond sacrifices himself at the end of the movie. With his sacrifice, the audience is left feeling the pain experienced alongside Madeleine at his death.

 No Time to Die is the dramatic send off to the story started in Casino Royale all the way back in 2006.

Tick, Tick…Boom!

Lin Manuel Miranda’s film adaptation of the musical Tick, Tick…Boom! was arguably one of the best this year next to West Side Story and In the Heights. His direction helped to portray all the highs and lows of the late Jon Larson’s life.

Tick, Tick…Boom! is a pop/rock autobiography of his life and work on writing his newest musical, Superbia. Jon’s legacy would live on through his next musical, Rent, but before that, he would face many struggles leading up to his 30th birthday. Before he hit the big 3-0, he had to compose the most vital song to Superbia, hire musicians for its workshop, support his friends who were threatened by HIV, and give an answer to his girlfriend on whether he wants to move out with her or not. The story shows how his commitment to this project impacts his relationship, friendships, and time to think about other important matters.

Like in every other role he’s played, Andrew Garfield brings his all to resembling a real figure, like Larson, through his mannerisms and even style of singing. Garfield was handpicked by Miranda for this role, so he learned how to sing in just a year in preparation.

From what musical fans have seen from this year’s adaptations, creating a movie from a stage production has the potential to be executed very well with the right cast and crew. And Tick, Tick…Boom! was a perfect example of an adaptation done right.

The Suicide Squad and Zach Snyder’s Justice League

DC’s new THE Suicide Squad, directed by James Gunn, showcases DC learning an important lesson. That if you’re working in a creative medium, give the creative people some control.

If you compare David Ayer’s Suicide Squad to James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad, you’ll see a huge difference between the two movies. A part of it’s because of their different stories, but the directors of both admit that the first movie would have been better if not for DC’s meddling. James Gunn actually thanked Ayer on Twitter saying that without the troubles during his time directing, Gunn’s version of the Suicide Squad would have been a lot harder to make. 

You can also see the change in DC’s ways with their other movie of this year, Zach Snyder’s Justice League. Snyder’s gave us a huge opportunity to compare what would happen when the director has full control over the movie and when the studio gets to decide what happens. When comparing the two, there’s still plenty of flaws in both versions, but Snyder’s original vision is the better of the two, as long as you’re fine with the extra 2 hours. 

My favorite part of the “Snyder cut,” as fans call it, is the addition of Cyborg’s story. In the original, Cyborg felt like he had a lot of missed potential. Luckily, Snyder was able to give him more screen time in this newer rendition.

While Snyder’s version of this universe won’t continue, I’d recommend people wanting to get into the DC universe his version over the studio’s.

Welcome to the Friendly City! Fortuna’s Passed Ordinance Criminalizes Camping

On December 6th, the Fortuna City Council passed an ordinance that would criminalize camping throughout most of the city. Officials say it’s a much-needed remedy to problems caused by unhoused residents, but the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California says the proposed regulations are both illegal and cruel. 

The ordinance would make it a misdemeanor for any person to camp, occupy camp facilities, or use “camp paraphernalia” in residential and commercial zones that cover the majority of the city’s jurisdiction. It would criminalize camping in any public place between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. — plus the hours between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. “unless there are no sleeping spaces practically available in any shelter or if there does not exist any viable alternative to sleeping in a public place.” 

At the December 6 council meeting, city councilmembers Mike Johnson and Jeremy Stanfield said they hope the ordinance has “teeth” to deal with people who’ve been sleeping in front of businesses and in other public places. Councilmember Mike Losey agreed, saying, “I think our citizens are just going to relish being able to call in and report some of these violations and then see action taken to stop some of this.”  

The Fortuna City Council conducted a second reading of the proposed ordinance and again voted unanimously to implement it. The new anti-camping laws will take effect on Jan. 19th.

As first reported by the Times-Standard, City Attorney Ryan Plotz crafted the ordinance, with input from Fortuna Police Chief Casey Day, to address complaints about the local homeless population while attempting to navigate the terms of the landmark 2018 Martin v. Boise ruling in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth District.

In that case, the Ninth Circuit panel found that it’s unconstitutional to charge criminal penalties “for sitting, sleeping, or lying outside on public property for homeless individuals who cannot obtain shelter.” The Eighth Amendment bars punishing a person “for lacking the means to live out the ‘universal and unavoidable consequences of being human,’” the court found.

Day said his department’s approach will begin with a “soft launch” of the ordinance, offering education and literature to the city’s unhoused offenders while working with partner organizations. Even with habitual offenders — those who refuse to adhere to the city’s ordinance and refuse help — the department plans to issue some kind of “warning citation” before charging them with a crime.

City Councilmember Mike Losey asked whether his officers will “make some effort to determine whether there are beds available in Eureka, say, at the homeless shelter.” Day said it would be their “overarching goal to provide that type of assistance.” In the event that they find someone “open minded” and seeking help, he said “we really do try to facilitate that by making those phone calls and/or even, in past practice, arranging transportation to those facilities.”

The City of Fortuna does not have any homeless shelters, however in interviews with the Outpost, City Manager Merritt Perry and Plotz said police officers have offered to drive people to shelters in Eureka and Arcata. 

The decision has caused many cities across the western United States, including Eureka, to redraft their own anti-camping ordinances. It’s also left a good deal of confusion in its wake as cities grapple with the lack of specifics in the ruling. Plotz said courts have struggled to interpret the language in the Boise decision for not being specific enough to provide real guidance. Fortuna’s ordinance bans camp paraphernalia, which it says “includes, but is not limited to, tents or tent-like structures, cots, hammocks, personal cooking facilities and similar equipment.” The definition explicitly excludes blankets, sleeping bags or bedrolls. A lot will be left up to individual officers’ discretion, he said.

The Boise decision “doesn’t specify a distance in terms of what’s considered available or not,” Plotz said in a phone interview. “It’s one of the areas that Boise has received some criticism from the League of California Cities for not providing that type of detailed guidance.”

Perry told the Outpost that Fortuna approaches the issue of homelessness regionally. When Fortuna recently received $400,000 in CARES Act funding to address homelessness, it wound up giving the money away. They made an agreement with the City of Eureka to put half of that towards their UPLIFT Program, and put the other half towards Arcata House [Partnership].  “So we’ll find a way to get people to where there is shelter” — assuming they’re willing to go, he added.

At the Dec. 6 meeting, Plotz told the council that the Fortuna Police Department has largely stopped criminal enforcement of its anti-camping regulations as a result of the Boise case, and residents have noticed an uptick in the number of people building temporary shelters and lying in front of businesses on Main Street. 

“[…] the aim of the Martin v. Boise case was to prevent cities from criminalizing sitting, sleeping or lying on public property,” says Plotz. “It does not speak to the larger issue of camping and the things that that comes with, including the erection of temporary shelters.”

The ACLU of Northern California disagrees with Plotz’s assessment. In a statement sent to the Outpost last week the organization says:

“The Fortuna City Attorney’s claim that focusing on ‘camping’ rather than “sleeping” makes their ordinance legal is false and misrepresents Martin v. Boise…It covers “the unavoidable consequences of being human,” which includes the need for shelter, cooking, and having some personal possessions available.”

Additionally, the suggestion from one councilman that residents of Fortuna will “relish” calling in to report unhoused people attempting to survive outdoors suggests a concerning lack of empathy for the plight of unhoused people […]”

Day said this ordinance represents a needed update to regulations in “The Friendly City.”  At the public meeting two weeks ago he stated, “I really feel strongly that for the public morale and health and safety of the community, that this revision to the municipal code is exactly what our community needs.”

Yurok Tribe Issues Emergency Declaration to Raise Awareness About MMIW

Series of human trafficking attempts occur on reservation, surrounding area—the following is a PSA from the Yurok Tribe:

Today, the Yurok Tribal Council issued an emergency declaration in response to a spate of missing persons and attempted human trafficking incidents on the reservation and in Arcata, where there is a disproportionate number of cases involving missing and murdered indigenous women (MMIW).

“Today, we are asking our local, state and federal partners to take a stronger stand against the trafficking of Native women and girls,” said Joseph L. James, the Chairman of the Yurok Tribe. “While human trafficking and abductions have been all too common in the Humboldt County area, I ask all of our members to be extra cautious at this time. If you have to go into town, please take someone with you and let a family member know when you expect to return.”

In the last month, the Yurok Tribal Court received reports from seven Yurok women, including mothers with young children, who were approached by would-be traffickers. Thankfully, all were able to make it to safety. In mid October, Emmilee Risling was declared missing. The Yurok and Hoopa Valley Tribe, in conjunction with the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office, implemented a coordinated, month long effort to locate her, but she has not been found. The Hupa woman was last seen near Weitchpec on the Yurok Reservation. The Yurok and Hoopa Valley Tribes are offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to Emmilee’s safe return.

The Tribal Council issued the emergency declaration through a resolution, which speaks to the underlying cause of the MMIW crisis. According to the resolution: “The intergenerational impacts of 170 years of violence, trafficking and murder through missions, massacres, forced relocation, state sanctioned indentured servitude, boarding schools, widespread removal of children from their families through the child welfare system, disproportionate incarceration, police violence, and high rates of gender violence are still playing out to this day, and directly contribute to the crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.”

Per capita, native women and girls are victims of human trafficking at a much higher rate. Tribes across the US are advocating for additional resources to confront this indelible issue. In 2020, 5,295 indigenous people were reported missing to the National Crime Information Center. At the end of the same year, 1,496 were still missing. Last year, there were 18 cases involving missing and murdered indigenous women and girls in California, according to a report produced by the Yurok Tribal Court and the Sovereign Bodies Institute (SBI). The actual number is likely much higher because MMIWG cases are poorly documented at the state and federal levels. A third of all cases in California occurred in Mendocino, Humboldt and Del Norte Counties, despite the sparse populations in these areas Even worse, murders of Native women in the state are seven times less likely to be solved.

“Every one of our families has been impacted by this issue. It cannot be allowed to continue,” said Chairman James.

During the past two years, the Yurok Tribe has substantially increased its capacity to respond to MMIW cases both on and off of the reservation. In 2019, the Yurok Tribal Court, in partnership with SBI, started the To’ Kee Skuy’ Soo Ney wo chek’ (I Will See You Again in a Good Way) Program to combat the crisis. The Program aims to improve the efficacy of MMIW investigations and establish an enhanced level of protection for Native women, girls and two spirit individuals in California, one of the top five states for MMIW cases The program is also developing the first MMIW database in the state. Additionally, the Court formed the Office of the Tribal Prosecutor, which aids in the investigation and prosecution of MMIW and domestic violence cases in all jurisdictions.

Similar to the Yurok Tribe, most tribes are located in rural areas, where law enforcement is minimal due to enduring inequities in federal funding. Predators intentionally target rural and tribal lands because there is less chance of getting caught. MMIW cases, including local incidents, often involve multiple law enforcement jurisdictions, making investigation infinitely more challenging. Prior to the formation of the Tribal Court’s MMIWG2 Program, the Tribe had no formal way to influence off-reservation cases. In many states, including California, Tribes are further hindered by Public Law 280. Public Law 280 grants the state jurisdiction over most violent crimes. When federal legislators determine where to distribute tribal law enforcement dollars, tribes in PL 280 states are often left out. There is no doubt that PL 280 has contributed to the inordinately high number of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls in Humboldt County.

“The quantity of MMIW cases in the local area and across the country is staggering. This needs to change and it needs to change now,” concluded Chairman James.

Here are helpful tips to avoid being a victim of human traffickers:

  • When in public, be cognizant of your surroundings.
  • Travel in groups.
  • Trust your instincts.
  • Be suspicious of strangers who reach out via social media.
  • Take swift action – if someone makes you feel unsafe, leave immediately and report it to law enforcement.
  • Learn self defense.

Click the link to read the “Resolution of the Yurok Tribal Council MMIW Emergency Declaration”

Del Norte Reads: A Program For All Aspects of Functional Literacy

The information of this message comes from Del Norte Library District Literacy Coordinator Danny Clark.

Could you use assistance with your reading? How about assistance with basic computer skills; like word processing, writing a resume or setting up an email? Do you need help preparing for your GED or HiSET? Are you learning English as a second language and would like to improve your reading, speaking and listening skills?

Del Norte Reads is here to help with all this and much more!

Del Norte Reads — a grant and donation funded nonprofit organization aimed at helping community members with all aspects of functional literacy — is a library program that works in conjunction with the Del Norte County Library District to provide free literacy services to community members. They proudly provide assistance with reading, writing, math, computer literacy, GED prep and much more. 

They are looking for compassionate volunteers to tutor our hard working learners. We provide materials and training.  Even an hour or two a week can make a huge impact in the lives of the program’s learners.

All of Del Norte Reads’ services are free and they are more than happy to provide accommodations for a diverse group of learners.

“Fun times on Adult Literacy Day at the Del Norte Reads Open House.” – From the Del Norte Reads Facebook Page.

If this program sounds like something you or someone you know would enjoy being a part of this program, you can call them at (707) 464-7072 or stop by and see them in person at 1080 Mason Mall suite 9. More information is available at the Main branch of the Del Norte County Library.

“Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at the Del Norte County Library (including our visiting dinosaurs)! […] Happy Thanksgiving!” – From the Del Norte County Library Facebook Page.

Help Wanted: 16-24 Year Olds Out of Work & School Impacted by COVID-19

The audio version of this PSA, as made for radio—by Persephone Rose.

The Wild Rivers Community Foundation is conducting a survey to understand the impact that COVID-19 has had on the youth of our community, primarily those aged 16 to 24 out of work and out of school. The data gained from this research will support the operations of various social programs and has a vital role in serving the underserved youth of our community.

You can access the survey with the link: (note that the link is case-sensitive.) You can also scan the QR code on their flier, which has been included below. All participants will receive a $10 coffee gift card and will be entered to win 1 of 4 $100 VISA Gift Cards.

Fire on Howland Hill: An Interview with Lathrop Leonard

Here at KFUG and Redwood Voice Paul Critz and yours truly, Oliver Corcovelos, interviewed Forester Lathrop Leonard to talk about the one acre fire over on Howland Hill and give an update about the fire, what it’s affecting, and how it all started.

Lathrop Leonard
We discovered a week ago Sunday but suspected was going on for almost two weeks prior to that, there was a lightning storm you may recall that came through and started another fire in the park that we put out fairly quickly. But this one nobody noticed because it was just kind of smoldering up in the tree tops for a number of days before it managed to make its way to the ground and start spreading and putting up enough smoke for people to realize it was out there. 

Paul Critz
And initially, when you discovered that a week ago this last Sunday, what was the extent of it then? How many trees?

Lathrop Leonard
So it was about an acre on the ground and about five trees were burning up in the canopies. And so what happened is one of these trees probably got on fire from the lightning. And once it started burning actively up there embers and pieces of the tree, I mean, sometimes just little embers and other times big branches, like 100 pound branches would fall to the ground on fire. And then that all lit the ground on fire and it spread on the ground and even from tree to tree. And so we ended up with about five trees on fire when we discovered it and started actively suppressing that fire. 

Paul Critz
Oh, my gosh. So you did something that I had never heard being done before, and that was installed sprinkler systems. Is that correct?

Lathrop Leonard
That’s right. We had some regular sprinklers like you would see in your yard on the ground so that if something fell out of the tree, it fell on the wet material so that it wouldn’t start another top fire. But then we also needed to get water where the fire was. And so we had a series of ropes and things that were pulling these sprinklers and the typical brass garden hose that people may be using in their yard. We’re hauling a bunch of those up there attached to hoses to help put this thing out. 

Paul Critz
Wow. Now, is that like, ad hoc? Is this something that is commonly done or is just a fix that you guys made up?

Lathrop Leonard
Well, you know, I don’t know if anybody who’s been doing this outside of California state parks, but it’s something that we’ve been kind of developing and improving over the years over the last, I don’t know, maybe ten or twelve years or so in parks. Mostly, we seem to have more of these down in humble Redwoods State Park area, but certainly we’ve been putting them out up here and within Redwood, national and state parks, as this one, of course, is in Jedi Smith Redwoods, all those that happens everywhere, and we just have to kind of adjust and each fire up there is a little bit different so that the techniques kind of change a little bit and evolve over time as we figure out what works best in each situation, the last resort, if we can’t put it out from the ground is we’ll send a tree climber into a neighboring tree, and then they can squirt water from there. But obviously, tree climbing. That’s something Arbors and other folks do. We have some folks that are specially trained in climbing trees, but anytime you’re getting off the ground like that, it’s kind of a heads up from a safety standpoint. So we’d rather risk hoses and people’s lives. 

Lathrop Leonard Forester For California State Parks and the go to guy to talk to about the fire on Holland Hill. All of us at KFUG and Redwood Voice thank you and all the firefighters working on this to keep our community safe and appreciate the lengths you go to to protect our redwoods.

Get Vaccinated, Del Norte!

Wondering how to get your COVID Vaccine? Del Norte County Public Health is offering free vaccinations to all comers Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 10am to Noon, at the fairgrounds in Crescent City. No appointment necessary.

It’s as simple as following the giant color coded signs.

Step 1. Fill out a form. Step 2. Show the friendly and helpful volunteers your form. Step 3. Get vaccinated. Step 4. Hang out for 15 minutes. It’s as simple as that.

Now that you know how to get vaccinated, why should you get vaccinated?

We asked Head Volunteer-Volunteer (one who volunteers to be the Head Volunteer) Debra Wakefield.

From Debra Wakefield:

If you’ve already got your vaccine, you’re already part of the solution here in Del Norte County. So the only way we’re going to stop this virus is by getting as many people vaccinated as we can. So the reason you should come down is for yourself, to be safe. It’s for your family, to keep all your family members safe—grandma, grandpa, kids, everybody. And in my book it’s for your community, we want to open up our businesses, we want to have as normal a life as you possibly can here in Crescent City. Only way we’re going to do that is to get a ton of people vaccinated. So do it for yourself, do it for your family, and please, please do it for our community.

Debra Wakefield, Head Volunteer at the Fairgrounds Vaccine Clinic

Can’t make the weekly event at the fairgrounds? Call your local pharmacy for an appointment—at the time of this report, Walmart, Walgreens, and Rite Aid have vaccines and are taking appointments or walk-ins, depending, with most other pharmacies soon to have them.

Tribal members can call United Indian Health Services at (707) 465-2975 to make an appointment.

Let’s get back to normal—get vaccinated. For Redwood Voice,

All of us at Redwood Voice.